Cite this article as:
Alekseeva D. A. CULTURAL AND CONCEPTUAL FEATURES OF TRANSLATION OF RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHIC TEXTS TO FRENCH LANGUAGE. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 38-?.
The article is devoted to the linguistic and conceptual features of the translation into French of the texts of the Russian philosopher of the twentieth century. A. Losev. On the one hand, we are talking about the designation of different concepts with one unit of the language of translation; The absence of words and expressions makes the translator look for other lexical means. On the other hand, the problem is rather a conceptual plan, since the translation of a certain concept from one language to another is not always adequate and does not fully convey its meaning.
1 See: Harris Z.S. Joint occurrence and transformation in the language structure // New in Linguistics.
Yu.B. Frolov. Implementation of translation transformations in the translation into Russian
Proceedings of the Saratov University. 2009. T. 9. Ser. Philology. Journalism, vol. 2
© Е.А. Alekseeva, 2009
1962. Vol. II; Kapishin AE "The generative linguistics" by N. Chomsky // Foreign language at school. 2002. № 2. 2 See: Barkhudarov L.S. Language and translation. Questions of general and particular theory of translation. M., 1975; Schweitzer A.D. Translation theory. Status, problems, aspects. M., 1988; V.V. Komissarov. Translation theory. M., 1990. 3 See: Breus EV Fundamentals of theory and practice of translation from Russian into English. M., 2000; Strelkovsky G.M. Theory and practice of military translation. M., 1979; Latyshev LK The translation course (the equivalence of the translation and the ways to achieve it). M., 1981.
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