журнальная критика

Alexey Slapovsky’s prose in the perception of Andrey Nemzer

A literary critic Andrei Nemzer was one of the fi rst to draw attention to the work of Alexei Slapovsky, a writer inextricably linked with Saratov. Responses to his works have been published in newspapers and “thick” journals since the early 1990s. The list of the main characters of literature, which Nemzer compiled annually, is not complete without the name of the prose writer, and the mass of reviews is ostentatiously apologetic.

Early works by Andrey Nemzer: To the problem of defi ning the author’s status

In the article the publications of the literary critic and historian Andrey Nemzer which appeared in the 1980s in the journal Literaturnoye obozreniye (Literary review) are analyzed. The articles of this period dealt more with historical and literary works and to a smaller degree with literary-artistic ones. The aim of this work is to identify the author’s status. A range of arguments is off ered proving that Nemzer’s contributions on the pages of the journal are strictly of literary-critical nature. The key feature is the evaluative statement which is most pronounced in negative comments.

Literary and critical publications of Andrey Nemzer in newspaper and magazine periodicals: An attempt at comparison

The article presents a comparative analysis of the materials of the critic, philologist and literary historian Andrey Nemzer, published in political and social, as well as literary and art journals of the 1990s. Structural and content features and self-editing are brought under close scrutiny.