mass media language

Abbreviations as Key Elements of Social and Cultural Space in Contemporary Media Texts

The article considers abbreviations as key elements of social and cultural space in the language of mass media. The paper closely focuses on the following language units as the initial lexemes: IGIL (ISIS), WADA, SMI (mass media), OPEC etc. The author shows that abbreviated names reflect currently relevant phenomena in the life of the Russian society, and perform an expressive and influencing function.

The Impact of the Language System Deviation and Communicative Incompetence of Journalists on Mass Media Speech and the System of Language

The article considers the stages of the Russian language development from the free deviations in the past to the influence on the changes in the system of the mass media language and the Internet in the XXI st century. It is noted that the free deviations of the system in the conditions of living with the Internet are becoming unfeasible, and an ever growing reliance on the users’ competence degree can be observed.

‘Labeling’ as a Technique of Information Manipulation in Mass Media

The article considers the issue of information manipulation in mass media texts. One of the manipulative techniques – labeling – is researched. The examples from the modern general interest media (Rossiyskaya gazeta, Novaya gazeta, Moskovsky komsomolets) are analyzed.

Usage of Substandard Vocabulary in Printed Mass Media as a Result of the General Trend Towards Conversationalization of Media Discourse

The article presents the analysis of substandard vocabulary that is used in Russian newspapers of various types. It describes these words’ functions, frequency of occurrence and ways of introducing them.

Presentation of the Book

The article is dedicated to the books:
«Образ мира, в слове явленный…» : сборник в честь 70-летия профессора Ежи Фарыно / Redakcija R. Bobryka, J. Urban, R. Mnicha. Siedlce, 2011. 668 с.
Текст в коммуникативном пространстве России : кол. монография / науч. ред. проф. Т. В. Чернышова и проф. А. А. Чувакин. Барнаул : Изд-во Алтайского ун-та, 2011. 337 с.
Проблемы речевой коммуникации : межвуз. сб. Саратов, 2011. Вып. 11. 192 с.
Язык СМИ : учеб. пособие / О. Б. Сиротинина, М. А. Кормилицына. Саратов, 2011. 96 с.