
Stereotyping of Russian Politicians in German Media Discourse

The article deals with the problem of language representation of stereotypes on the example of German mass media, featuring the election campaign in Russia in 2018. It has been confirmed that simplification and generalization play a significant role in forming the images of the Russian politicians in German mass media. Some characteristics of stereotypes about Russian political figures are revealed, linguistic means of their representation are described.

Human Communication and Life of Language

The article covers stages of development of the Department of Russian Language and Speech Communication. The life of language in human communication formed the basis for Russian language pedagogy, research of the Russian language and educational work of the department. The results of research and staff training, of cooperation with colleagues within Russia are presented.

Language of Life in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s Novel Cancer Ward

The article offers the analysis of the language of Cancer Ward novel as a significant component of the writer’s creative method, which was formed in the 1950–1960s. The article considers ways of ‘recreating’ the ideologically colored word in Solzhenitsyn’s prose.

Linguo-Philosophical Reflection as a Result of a Long-term Speech Monitoring Survey

The article presents the author’s reflection generated by the results of long-term speech monitoring;
the reflection on the development of science in general and linguistics in particular, on the influence
of media language and speech of general population on the future of the language, on the role of
the Internet in language changes. The author emphasizes the role of the inductive approach and the
danger of inductively unsupported deductive assertions which often slow down the development of