
Fact, Pathos, Reader in their Interrelation

The article analyzes the triad fact – pathos – reader from the point of view of how the emotional connotation of the factual foundation of the text impacts the reader. Two texts by M. Gorky are considered; both of them recreate the same event – A. P. Chekhov’s funeral. One of them is imbued with the pathos of invective, the other – with the pathos of irony. Form and content elements of the text affecting the readers’ perception of this text are described.

Vladimir Sorokin’s ‘Anti-Literature’: the Reader as the Target for Trolling

The article is dedicated to the analysis of Vladimir Sorokin’s works of fiction created at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries. The key philological emphasis of the paper is the category of intratextual author and interactive potential of the works of literature created by this contradictory modern writer. The issues of the coexistence of different reader generations in the 1990s and the changes in the literary process of the specified period are given special attention to.