
The Home and Hearth of the Russian Intellectuals and the Revolution in the Novels by M. Aldanov and B. Pasternak

The article shows the social and cultural content of the concept of the hearth on the eve of the Russian Revolution of the 1917. In the novels Suicide by M. Aldanov, Doctor Zhivago by B. Pasternak the hearth entails a complex of motives related to the premonition of the loss of the family well-being.

The Image of the Sky in Siberian Stories and Essays of V. G. Korolenko

The article considers the image of the sky as a key element of the verbal landscape of V. G. Korolenko’s Siberian cycle of stories and essays. Its main functional features defining plot and compositional integrity of the works, folk-mythological origins of components of the figurative system of landscape paintings and artistic potential of ‘celestial’ symbols are identified.