stream of consciousness

‘Stream of consciousness’ technique: Bergsonian interpretation of psychology in the prose by V. Nabokov

The following article off ers a theoretical interpretation of Nabokov’s aphorism on Joyce’s inner monologues. Nabokov supposed that thinking is extraverbal and cannot be fully embodied in a word. He assumed that James Joyce was wrong to materialize the stream of inner life in a rigid verbal form. For Nabokov, thinking as an uninterrupted continuum of psychological states, should be opposed to the ‘stream of consciousness’ technique and should be moved towards the lyrical synthetism.

Stream of Consciousness of Literary Text Characters (on the Material of A. P. Chekhov’s Prose of Different Periods)

The article considers one of the ways of presenting the initial phase of character’s inner speech in A. P. Chekhov’s prose – stream of consciousness as a manifestation of his individual writing style.