Soviet journalism

‘Negation of the Negation’ in the Media-criticism of the Magazine Journalist of the Last Years of the Soviet ‘Thaw’

The article considers the editorial policy of The Journalist magazine directed by E. V. Yakovlev in 1967–1968 as a phenomena of a comprehensive media-critical edition of the Soviet ‘thaw’ period.
A multi-faceted analysis of the current state and development of mass-media in the USSR and abroad published on the pages of the magazine gave an opportunity to comprehend the social and economic development prospects of the country as a whole.

Forms and Functions of Media Criticism in the Soviet Russia of the 1920s

The article specifies the foundations necessary for the media criticism to appear and develop. On the material of the national press Zhurnalist (Journalist), Izvestia (News), Pravda (Truth), Pechat i Revolutsiya (Press and Revolution) the formation of the journalist criticism of the 1920s is shown against the background of the Soviet journalism principles being established; its link with the literary criticism, features of a media criticism statement and its functions are indicated.