
“And the stars serve you”: The sun, the moon and stars as the external outlines of meaningful constants in the works of Protopope Avvakum (Based on the texts of diff erent genres)

The article deals with the identifi cation of semantic constants in the corpus of the texts of Protopope Avvakum, which manifested themselves as a characteristic feature of his worldview with the help of certain resources of the language system. In this regard, the main attention is paid to the substantives “the sun”, “the moon” and “stars” as the external outlines of associative links that arise in a number of works. At the same time, the article considers only those cases where the indicated lexical units are part of a syntactically built sequence.

Analytical Philosophy of Language in the Context of Studying the Objective Language (Case Study of L. Wittgenstein’s Heritage)

The article deals with the philosophy of language, as well as the specific nature of its interdisciplinary role in the process of linguistic and philosophical research. The specific character of the functioning of the latter is presented in the context of the peculiarities of how the mentioned sciences function. The article focuses on the specific character of L. Wittgenstein’s heritage being actualized in linguistic and philosophical studies.

An Elusive Meaning of Robert Pinget’s Novel L’Inquisitoire (Based on the Comparative and Contrastive Analysis of Translators’ Solutions)

The article analyzes some special features of Robert Pinget’s style based on the comparative analysis of the original and the Russian translation. The stylistic effect of an ‘elusive meaning’ is considered within the framework of the French ‘le nouveau roman’. Several options of the title translation as well as analyzed lexical and syntactic challenges of the original are shown in order to reveal and highlight the artistic value of the original text.