«The Overcoat»

“The Goat” by M. Zoshchenko and “The Overcoat” by N. Gogol: To the question of intertextual connections

Zoshchenko’s “The Goat” and Gogol’s “The Overcoat” have a strong intertextual connection. The quoted image of the “little man”, the plot, motif reminiscences, similar narrative peculiarities disclose the writers’ literary succession. In this article we will analyze the intertextuality of the writers’ prose on the example of “The Overcoat” and “The Goat”, and consider Zoshchenko’s transformation of Gogol’s plots, motifs; we will fi gure out what meaningful functions the intertexts are performing. The main results are summarized as follows.

Rumour in St. Petersburg Novels by Gogol: Live Newspaper

The artistic functions of the rumor motives in the plot of the St Petersburg
novels by N. V. Gogol and their link to the chronotopos of the
Russian capital are studied. Analogies are drawn with the texts of the
journal Biblioteka dlya chteniya (Library for reading).

Fairy Archetypes in Gogol’s Novel «The Overcoat»

В статье с точки зрения дифференцирующей функции границы анализируются сказочные архетипы в повести Гоголя «Шинель». Предпринята попытка сопоставления персонажей и сюжетов сказок и «Шинели» на основе проведения между ними границы.