semantic syntax

To the Question of the Possibility of Determinative Adverbs to Act as Actants of a Proposition

The article deals with the types of determinative adverbs that can semantically and functionally converge with such actants as recipient, subject, deliberate, finitive, directive, distributive, destinative, instrumentive, posessive, potensive. The producing bases of such adverbs are usually relative adjectives. The role that such adverbs play in the sentence depends on their semantics, the semantics of the predicate, as well as on the context. That is why the same adverb can realize different functions in different statements.

The Dependence of the Adverbial Complicators Functions on the Meaning of the Base Proposition Predicate

The article is dedicated to adverbialisation – one of the processes of a simple sentence semantic complication. The author considers distinctive correlation of the meanings of the base and side propositions in sentences with adverbial complicators. The paper reveals some typical models of such correlation in the texts in five spheres of communication. The author concludes that the functioning of adverbial complicators has both typical and specific features in different communication areas.