
On the self-presentation in the sport discourse (On the example of mixed martial arts fighters’ discourse)

The article considers specific features of MMA fighters’ self-presentation. The strategy of self-presentation was studied predominantly on the basis of the political discourse, but it is used in the sport discourse as well. It has been found out that for self-presentation sportsmen actively use metaphors, epithets, similes, allegories, cliches, actualize such modality and formulas as ‘I am an underdog’, ‘I am the best’, ‘I am like you’.

Social Media as a Tool of Modern Politics (The Case of D. Trump’s Twitter)

The article deals with the analysis of communication of a politician in the social network Twitter. The research is based on D. Trump’s microblog. The focus is on the means of interaction between the politician and the recipient, his self-presentation, and ways of shaping public opinion and reality.

The Link between the Speaker’s Gender and the Tactical and Strategic Speech Planning

The authors establish the connection between the speaker’s gender and the strategies used in creating free self-presentations on the dating websites. By means of statistical analysis a typical profiler is identified from the perspective of the age and self-presentation text volume. The authors describe the set of tactic and strategic techniques used by men and women in order to present themselves in the virtual communication space.