S. L. Frank

The Bible Word in the works of religious thinkers (S. L. Frank, G. P. Fedotov, N. S. Arseniev)

During the years of the revolution and the Civil War S. L. Frank, G. P. Fedotov, N. S. Arseniev were professors at Saratov University, but this is not all that unites them. In emigration these religious thinkers taught at various research-training, cultural-educational and spiritual centers of Europe, both Russian and foreign. The article reveals their personal experience of referring to the Biblical Word, exegesis of biblical texts based on Orthodox theology and biblical criticism. Frank wrote about the Word that created the world and the incarnate Word.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn and the Issue of the Unity of Russian Spiritual Culture

In the article the author regards the personality and oeuvre of A. I. Solzhenitsyn («Gulag Archipelago», «Red Wheel», «Russia in Collapse») from the perspective of the unity of Russian spiritual culture in relation to two political philosophies: conservatism and radicalism. Ideas of the Russian religious philosophy expounded in the works by S. L. Frank underlie the theoretical foundation of the paper. A special role is dedicated to the polemic judgments of the writer.

The Problem of A. S. Pushkin’s Autobiographical Meaning and the Principle of «External» Biography Elimination in S. L. Frank’s Works

The article considers an important problem of the meaning of biographical facts in artistic texts of A. S. Pushkin from the point of view of different ways of its solution. A singular way of tackling the problem offered by S. L. Frank is specified.