political communication

Сognitive Space of the Metaphorical Models of ‘Antagonism’ in the Political Discourse of the Spanish Party Podemos

Using the tools of discourse analysis, the study reveals basic antagonisms that constitute the cognitive space of the discourse of the Spanish party Podemos. The confrontation of the people and politicians led to the creation of a holistic metaphorical model ‘POLITICS is ANTAGONISM’, which was subsequently transformed into several types of discursive oppositions analyzed in this work.

Metaphor in the Speech of Spanish Politicians (on the Material of the Spanish Newspaper and Journalistic Discourse)

This article discusses the functioning of metaphors in the Spanish newspaper and journalistic discourse. Based on media publications – EL MUNDO and EL PAÍS – concerning some of the most memorable and important recent events in the international life an analysis of the use of metaphors by Spanish politicians has been carried out. It is concluded that the Spanish political discourse is characterized by emotionality and imagery, which not only determine the use of rhetorical language tools, but also highlight unique features of the Spanish linguistic culture.