The article considers the directed interaction of different-code semiotic systems – verbal and pictorial (iconic), where the pictorial semiotic system is primary and is the basis for the secondary verbal system – poetic texts. It is argued that the phenomenon of poetic ‘translation’ and verbal actualization of painting is created while preserving a common cultural and moral code for both systems.
The lexical and syntactic elements of colloquial speech in the poetic text are singled out as features of the stylization of living speech in the lyrics of A. Akhmatova.
In the article the distinct characteristics of poetic dialogue are highlighted, such as its being synsemantic, its being addressed, etc; such types of dialogue are defined as intratextual and extratextual.
In this article are described some artistically-linguistic strategies of entitling (in poetry) and naming (in advertising) marking a tendency to the activization of aesthetic function in the advertising text and contributing to the presentation of goods as the topical advertising aim.