A. P. Skaftymov

Saratov’s plot in Yu. N. Chumakov’s letters

The article discusses the place of Saratov-based plot in Yu. N. Chumakov’s letters addressed to the author of the article. The subject of discussion in the correspondence is the defense of Yu. N. Chumakov’s dissertation at Saratov University in 1970 and its role in his scientifi c biography. The defense of the dissertation with Yu. M. Lotman as the fi rst opponent became the key event of the Saratov plot and its climax.

A. N. Radischev’s Personality and Creative Work in A. P. Skaftymov’s Perception

A. P. Skaftymov’s article «On the style of “The Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A. N. Radischev» is regarded as one of the most significant works about the book of this author. The methodological basis of the research and the specific character of A. P. Skaftymov’s attitude to the formal method in literary criticism are observed. The conclusions are drawn on how up-to-date the ideas of the scientist are for contemporary science.


A. P. Skaftymov’s Letters to N. M. Chernyshevskaya of the 1920-1940s (on the Materials of the N. G. Chernyshevskiy Museum).

The article views the letters of A. P. Skaftymov to N. M. Chernyshevskaya of the 1920-1940s from the N. G. Chernyshevskiy museum stock. Different connections of the two scientists are covered, the details of A. P. Skaftymov’s studying the life and creative works of N. G. Chernyshevskiy, his participation in the activities of the museum, that in those years was a certain center of developing and promoting the writer’s literary heritage. 

А. P. Skaftymov and Yu. G. Oksman: the Antinomy of Characters

The article offers the contrastive comparison of two figures of humanitarian culture unique in their scientific methods and especially in their personalities and characters. The author relies on the correspondence materials of the two scientists and on a wide circle of sources published in recent years.

Ranevskaya’s Love

The approaches to ‘thematic motives’ of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot outlined by A. P. Skaftymov in the 1920s unintentionally shed light on how the scientist comprehended the motives of love in A. P. Chekhov’s comedy The Cherry Orchard.

Yu. N. Chumakov, A. P. Skaftymov and the Saratov Philological ‘Nest’

The article discusses the important episodes of the history of Saratov philological school associated with the names of Yu. N. Chumakov, A. P. Skaftymov, E. I. Pokusaev.

«And yet you are Ermolai»: Cherry Orchard by A. P. Skaftymov

Reflecting on the place of one of the main characters of A. P. Chekhov’s comedy “Cherry Orchard”, Ermolai Lopakhin, in the life and oeuvre of A. P. Skaftymov, the author shares his observations on the delicate inner link that exists between the object of close literary focus and complex life collisions of the scientist himself.