
The Motive of Madness in V. Nabokov’s Prose

The article analyzes the motive of madness in V. Nabokov’s prose. The role of this motive in the writer’s visual experiments is investigated. The portrayal of mental disorders is considered as an ‘estrangement’device, destroying the automaticity of perception.

The World As a «Girl/Child Point of View»: Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky’s Practices of «Estrangement»

The features of visual poetics of Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky are considered in the article. The technique of «estrangement» as described by the Russian formalists is traced in the writer’s prose.

«New Vision»: Visual Codes of the Russian Formalism

The article analyzes how the change of visual codes in the Russian culture of the 1910–1920s is perceived in the works of formalists. Within this framework such things are regarded as the technique of ‘estrangement’ by V. Shklovsky, the problem of visual image and word correspondence, the interaction of literature and cinematography in the works by Yu. Tynyanov, V. Shklovsky, B. Eichenbaum.