occasional word

Comparative Analysis of People’s Names’ Translation in the Modelling of Magic Worldview in Fantasy Literature

The article focuses on the special features of fantasy literature and points out the difficulties of translating the texts of such genre. The comparative analysis of people’s names’ translation is implemented on the example of two variants of translation of one literary work. The article also introduces the frequency statistics of translation strategies, techniques and transformations used to transfer the author’s magic worldview into its translation counterpart.

Holophrastic Constructions and Certain Aspects of Their Translation in the Prose by James Joyce

The research aims at studying holophrastic constructions of James Joyce, the role of such technique in the writer’s language play. Some aspects of their creation and functioning in the text are analyzed, along with the possibilities of their translation on the example of four translations of Finnegan’s Wake into Russian (A. Rene, A. Volokhonskiy), into German (D. Stündel) and Spanish (M. Zabaloi).