медийный дискурс

Idioms as a means of creating the image of China in the English language media discourse

The article deals with the application of phraseological units in describing China in the English language media discourse. The evaluation in idioms is determined by means of discourse analysis which takes into account extra-linguistic, linguistic and cognitive factors. Subjective modalities specify the evaluative potential of idioms and show the mechanism of manipulating public opinion in the media discourse.

Discourse Strategy of the Spanish Political Party Podemos: Politics as a Struggle for Meanings

Language and politics are inseparably linked with each other as political action is, first of all, a speech action, and political processes are communicative processes and are constituted by means of language. In the article the communication policy of the Spanish political party Podemos is innovatively considered not only as an object, but also as the subject of reality, otherwise, as a way to form and model political reality.