
“A Theory of Art without the Art”: To the Question of the Place and Status of the Futurism Manifestos in the Cultural Space of the Epoch

The article analyses the status of mission statements in the sub-field of avant-garde art. The manifesto of futurism blurs the lines of the aesthetic theory and artistic practice. In the avant-garde discourse text and meta-text are located on one level, and the history of Saratov ‘psycho-futurism’ proves that.

The Peasant Question on the Pages of Economicheskiy Ukazatel’ (1857–1861) of I. V. Vernadsky

The article describes the main conditions and trends in the development of periodicals of the turn of the 1850–1860s, in particular the newspapers and magazines of business. Special attention is paid to the position of I. V. Vernadsky’s magazine Economicheskiy Ukazatel’ (Economic Guide) in relation to the peasant question.