M. Gorky

M. Gorky. A Sky-blue Life: ‘Grey’ and ‘blue’ in the story

The article discusses some issues of creative history and the conceptual meaning of M. Gorky’s understudied short story A Sky-blue Life, the last one written in the landmark cycle Stories of 1922-1924. Relying on new documents from the writer’s biography, his correspondence and available scientific comments allow us to clarify the leitmotif of the work, its place in the writer’s creative biography.

The Issue of Peasantry in M. Gorky’s World View and Oeuvre

The article deals with the topic of peasantry – one of the most important topics in M. Gorky’s socio-cultural paradigm, which still presents a challenge in M. Gorky’s studies. The comprehensive coverage of the problems of ‘town and country’, the ‘peasants and revolution’ based on the biographical facts, prose, essays and the author’s correspondence of the 1920s – early 1930s, conclusively disproves the persistent claim of Gorky’s ‘dislike’ and his ‘distrustful’ attitude towards the peasant.

“A Very Timely Book”

The article presents the new book by T. D. Belova dedicated to the novel by M. Gorky The Life of Klim Samgin; the problem range of the book and its structure are described.


The article reviews the estimates of A.P. Chekhov "In the Ravine" writers of the twentieth century. (L. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, E. Zamyatin, V. Nabokov, I. Bunin, B. Zaitsev, K. Chukovsky, A. Solzhenitsyn). Writers are primarily interested in the artistic nature of the story, pay attention to the close and important features of poetics. As a result, the conclusion is drawn about the versatility of the story of A.P. Chekhov, as 


Illness as a Social and Political Metaphor in Literature and Journalism of the ХХth Century

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the morbid metaphors employed in depicting social and political events of the Russian history of the XXth century on the material of literary and journalistic texts. Aesthetic and pragmatic functions of these metaphors are researched.

Z. I. Grzhebin and the Literary-artistic Almanacs of Shipovnik (dog-rose) Publishing House

The article presents an attempt to define the role of Z. I. Grzhebin in a pre-revolutionary publishing company – the Literary-Artistic Almanacs of Shipovnik Publishing House (1907-1917) in order to determine his contribution as the company’s founder and co-owner, and to find out certain relationships with Shipovnik’s staff.