lyrical hero

Unchildlike Meanings in Children’s Poetry (Based on Poems about the War by E. A. Blaginina)

The article studies the lyrical cycle of poems by the famous children’s poet E. A. Blaginina “Why do you cherish your overcoat?” published in 1975 and understudied by researchers. Comprehending the particular features of the cycle’s poetics (composition, original characteristics of the lyrical hero, the functions of poetic syntax, etc.) allows us to reveal the range of its meanings; to identify the special features of E. A. Blaginina’s creative manner; to consider children’s poetry as a special artistic phenomenon.

Spiritual Conflict Generators in the ‘Romantic’ Cycle Autumn by B. Pasternak

The article studies the poetic cycle Autumn by B. Pasternak, which concludes his book of poems Themes and Variations (1916–1922). The imagery system of the cycle and its plot, reflecting the relationships between the lyrical hero and his beloved, are analyzed. The role of spiritual conflict generators as important cycle-formative elements is noted. The intertextual connections with the Bible and W. Shakespeare’s play Hamlet are highlighted.