language play

The Russian Language on the Internet: The Lurkoyaz Phenomenon

The article provides an overview of lurkoyaz’s functioning characteristics as a specific Internet language. It demonstrates the main genre characteristics of Lurkomorye as an Internet encyclopedia. The article describes how irony and humor are created by means of ludems on different lurkoyaz language levels. Specific features of such lurkoyaz language play units as liturativ, errativ, onomatopea, nonce formation are identified.

Jonathan Coe’s Novel Number 11: the Principles of Postmodern Language Play

The article considers Number 11 by Jonathan Coe as an example of the postmodern language play with textual and extratextual reality and determines the role and functions of game practices employed.

the Play The Rich Bride by I. Ilf, E. Petrov, V. Kataev: the Functions of the Play Poetics

The article studies the play poetics in I. Ilf, E. Petrov, V. Kataev’s play The Rich Bride. The role of the play is singled out on the level of character and action development, and the language strategies of the co-authors. The satirical (social and political) underlying message of the new time vaudeville is revealed, as well as the ambiguity in portraying the kolkhoz life of the 1930s in the play.

Poetics of Play in the Theatre Piece «Lickspittle» by I. Ilf, E. Petrov, M. Volpin

The article researches the play poetics of the theatre piece «Lickspittle» by I. Ilf, E. Petrov, M. Volpin on the level of the plot, characters, literary reminiscences, language humor. Functions of the co-authors’ play strategy are identified, such as achieving the synthesis of satire and vaudeville principles and the techniques of text structure. The link between «Lickspittle» and the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov «The Golden Calf» is revealed.

Expressive Figurative Devices of Poetic Syntax in Play Discourse of Advertising

This article examines the use of expressive devices from poetic syntax
in play discourse of advertisement as a means of a more effective
impact upon the recipient of the text. Advertising discourse is considered
as a stylistically marked linguistic unit on the basis of which these expressive devices of poetic syntax are studied.