К. А. Федин

“We are an association, we are a community, but we are not a school” – to the 100th anniversary of the “Serapion brothers” association

This article reviews the materials of a multi-author monograph dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the literary association “Serapion brothers”. This project has united researchers from Saratov, Moscow, St Petersburg, considered to be renowned experts in the history of Russian literature of the 1920–1930s. The research is based on the unique documents from the Serapion brothers’ legacy being introduced into the scientifi c circulation (K. Fedin, Vs. Ivanov, N. Tikhonov, V. Kaverin, I. Gruzdev).

Post Scriptum to the Half a Century Correspondence (an Unknown Autograph of K. A. Fedin)

For the first time K. A. Fedin’s autograph is published. It concludes the half-a-century history of K. Fedin and K. Chukovsky’s correspondence. Fedin’s notes on one of the last meetings with Chukovsky and his reaction to the news of Chukovsky’s death are considered within the context of the writers’ long-standing relationship.