
Characteristics of Modern Contact between the French and English Languages

The article describes the features of the modern French language existence in the conditions of rivalry with the English language in the late 20th – early 21st centuries. There are both negative and positive prospects for the existence of the French language in France and in the world.

The French Language in the Environment of the English Language Expansion

At the end of XX century, globalization processes have brought the English language to the leading position. It prevails over other languages in many spheres: in economics, trade, engineering, science, computer science, etc. Due to this factor some of the languages have already disappeared, others are disappearing, yet others, and French among them, withstand and continue to retain their rightful place in international communication.

Meta-language of the Internet Communication: the Issue of Borrowing (on the Material of Spanish and Russian Journalistic Texts)

The article studies the issue of English loan words in the Russian and Spanish languages in information society. The article analyzes the tendencies of the borrowing process and deals with rational and irrational use of loan words in Russian and Spanish journalistic texts.