F. M. Dostoevsky

F. M. Dostoyevsky in the Journal Zavety (1912–1914): Stating an issue

The article attempts to identify the key moments of F. Dostoevsky’s presence in the context of the literary and critical declarations of the journal Zavety, primarily, by its co-editors, V. Chernov, and especially by Ivanov-Razumnik. His attitude towards the writer as a “world genius”, “the apogee of ethical individualism”, expressed in a number of articles, should be considered programmatic for this journal. A. Dolinin’s critical reception and reviews in the bibliographic department are in line with this attitude.

The Hero of the Novel Notes from Underground by F. M. Dostoevsky as the Object of the View of Another

The article presents the results of studying F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel’s Notes from Underground from the point of view of researching the issue of another’s view in the writer’s creative oeuvre.The evidence obtained from the text analysis allows to single out some characteristic features of the visual behavior of the ‘underground man’, as well as to expand the interpretation of the novel.

Ranevskaya’s Love

The approaches to ‘thematic motives’ of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot outlined by A. P. Skaftymov in the 1920s unintentionally shed light on how the scientist comprehended the motives of love in A. P. Chekhov’s comedy The Cherry Orchard.