
Picturesque Ekphrasis as a Means of the Protagonist Characterization in D. Rubina’s Novel The White Dove of Cordoba

The article discusses the oeuvre interpretation of Zahar Kordovin, the protagonist of D. Rubina’s novel The White Dove of Cordoba. The pictures of the artist are analyzed from the point of view of ekphrasis which is defined as a verbal description of visual art images in literary text.

Ekphrasis as a Device in the Novel by A. I. Solzhenitsyn «The First Circle»

In the article the role of the picturesque ekphrases in the novel by A. I. Solzhenitsyn «The First Circle» is researched; the principles of the writer’s work with real visual objects are identified; abundant data has been gathered about the artist and graphic painter S. M. Ivashеv- Musatov, the prototype of the hero – artist Kondrashov-Ivanov; previously unattended ekphrasis variants in the early versions and the final version of the novel are studied in the paper.