«Доктор Живаго»

Letters in the Plot and Composition of the Novel by B. L. Pasternak Doctor Zhivago

The article substantiates the conclusion that the correspondence of the characters in Pasternak’s novel is a plot-motivated complex multilayered system of written communication based on the family idea, expanded by a system of inter-textual links.

Ways of Creating Psychological Portraits of the Characters in Pasternak’s Novel Doctor Zhivago

The article substantiates the conclusion that the basis of the psychological portraits of many characters, as well as of the composition of the novel Doctor Zhivago, contains parallelism and isomorphism; and their compositional unity allows the author to reveal the family and spiritual affinity of the characters, as well as to express his position.

Time in B. Pasternak’s Novel Doctor Zhivago

In the article the time structure of the novel Doctor Zhivago is examined in the context of Pasternak’s idea of imaginative reality. Time in the novel is presented as a row of interlacing mutually defining layers: the author’s time, the time of lyrical affection, the time of the characters, the reader’s time, breakthroughs to the Eternity create a complex unity of the narrative structure.