Дина Рубина

Picturesque Ekphrasis as a Means of the Protagonist Characterization in D. Rubina’s Novel The White Dove of Cordoba

The article discusses the oeuvre interpretation of Zahar Kordovin, the protagonist of D. Rubina’s novel The White Dove of Cordoba. The pictures of the artist are analyzed from the point of view of ekphrasis which is defined as a verbal description of visual art images in literary text.

The Type of Woman Artist as Portrayed by D. Rubina and A. Gavalda

The aims of this work are to analyze the pictures of the heroines in the novels by D. Rubina («On the Sunny Side of the Street») and A. Gavalda («Just Together»); to discover how Vera and Kamilla’s character traits are represented in the pictures. The task is to interpret the pictures from the perspective of psychology, to identify the features of the type of woman artist in modern literature.