Д. Мережковский

The ‘Principle of absolute doubt’ in Mark Aldanov’s oeuvre

The reviewed monograph of T. I. Dronova presents a multi-layered analysis of M. A. Aldanov’s oeuvre: from the principles of philosophical and historical cognition to narrative strategies. The approach to the legacy of the philosopher and writer suggested by the author allows to reveal the type of his artistic thought and the nature of his dialogue with the predecessors in a very convincing and in many ways novel way. 

Historiosophic Discourse: the Scope of the Notion (to the Question of the Historiosophy Novel Genre)

The article puts forward a problem of the genre classification of the works containing philosophical and historical issues; qualitative characteristics of the historiosophic discourse are regarded; its boundaries are defined within philosophic and historic learning; axiological criteria of the historiosophic novel qualification are developed.