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Book Review: A. N. Pypin. Biography Materials

The article reviews a new book about A. N. Pypin prepared by N. Chernyshevkiy’s Memorial Estate. Book contents – a summary article on the professional and personal life of the academician, A. N. Pypin’s first ever published work on N. G. Chernyshevkiy’s publishers, and epistolary stocked in the museum – prompts picturing the scientist as a personality beyond formal labels and evaluations.

A. K. Sheller-Mikhailov in the Journal Zhenskiy Vestnik (Women’s Bulletin)

The 1860s turned out to be crucial in forming both Sheller-Mikhailov’s creative identity and his world outlook, his spiritual, moral and aesthetic views, which he had been true to throughout his life journey. Not lengthy in time, but prolific and active participation in Zhenskiy Vestnik holds a specific place in the journal activity of the writer, who rightfully became one of the key and unifying figures in the literary process of the second half of the XIXth century.

A. N. Pypin in the Creative Biography of B. B. Glinsky

A. N. Pypin helped many beginning writers to identify their path. B. B. Glinsky was among them. Significant biographical facts related to the history of the writers’ relationships are revealed in understudied printed sources and archive materials introduced into the scientific circulation for the first time.

Boris Borisovich Glinsky about Alexandr Nikolayevich Pypin

A lot of research addresses A. N. Pypin’s life and oeuvre but the aspect of his biography is not given sufficient attention to. The sketch by B. B. Glinsky is one of such papers that has not yet excited any interest. Addressing the forgotten publication in the journal Istorichesky Vestnik (History Journal) allows not only to reconsider some facts and episodes of Pypin’s activity from a new perspective, but also to identify the peculiarities of his creative style, and highlight intrinsic genre criteria of a critical and biographical article.

Forgotten Biographer of V. G. Belinsky

The article presents a feature story by B. B. Glinsky ‹Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky: in honour of his memory›. This story appears not to have been taken into account or registered in reference lists of the existing research papers on Belinsky, although it clearly deserves the researchers› attention.