авторские жанры

Invariables and Codes of the Modern Literature: Theory and Practice

This article is a review of the book by I. V. Nekrasova, dedicated to modern Russian Literature of recent years. The author of this manual presents the analysis of the newest tendences in plodformation, genre modifications, authobiographic strategies and the typology of modern characters. It also highlights the interrelations of fiction and cinematography.

Genre Refinements as a Noticeable Trend in the Russian Literature of Recent Years

The article deals with an up-to-date issue of the modern stage of the Russian literature development – genre contaminations, modifications and specification. In the author’s opinion they form a part of title complex and perform the function of plotline formation; they help clarify the author’s standpoint and effectuate a specific genre expectation. The authors identify the main trends of modern genre specifications and provide specific examples.