
Problem of Jewish Identity in Georges Perec’s Works

This paper covers the analysis of Jewish identity in the works of the French writer Georges Perec. The author comes to the conclusion that this problem has a significant impact on the poetics of Pereс, it is presented in the techniques of formal constraints and the ‘aesthetics of absence’, the purpose of which is to reconstruct Perec’s memory and past by means of language play.


FRENCH LITERATURE, Romanticism, SHATOBRIAN, memoirs, autobiography, THEME OF DEATH

Text-forming Irony in Les Mots by J.-P. Sartre

The article considers the text-forming irony as a way to express philosophical ideas, as a psychotherapeutic tool, allowing the author to work out his negative experience and as a means of meta-reflection on the text in ‘Les Mots’ by J.-P. Sartre.

J. M. Coetzee’s Boyhood as an Experiment in Autobiography

The article deals with J. M. Coetzee’s Boyhood, focusing on the author’s experiments with the autobiography in the context of traditional genre conventions. Boyhood, the first part of Coetzee’s autobiographical trilogy, is analyzed as a deconstruction of the childhood autobiography (the absence of autobiographical agreement, third-person present tense narrative, a combination of multiple points of view: those of a child-protagonist and an adult author).

The Problem of A. S. Pushkin’s Autobiographical Meaning and the Principle of «External» Biography Elimination in S. L. Frank’s Works

The article considers an important problem of the meaning of biographical facts in artistic texts of A. S. Pushkin from the point of view of different ways of its solution. A singular way of tackling the problem offered by S. L. Frank is specified.