Cite this article as:
Yankovskaya L. S. Zakhar Prilepin on Leonid Leonov: to the Question of the Writer’s Literary Landmarks. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 114-?. DOI:
Zakhar Prilepin on Leonid Leonov: to the Question of the Writer’s Literary Landmarks
Researching the reasons of Zakhar Prilepin’s interest to Leonid Leonov’s oeuvre, the author of the article proves that by experiencing the difficult way of an eminent writer’s formation, the features of his artistic world, Leonov’s biographer acquires an opportunity to look more closely into himself, into his own style, to realize the correction of his own creative search.
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