Cite this article as:

Kekova S. V., Izmajlov R. R. The Spiritualization of Everyday Life: Way of Life and Existence in the Diaries of B. Shergin and Memoir Prose of S. Durylin. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 73-77. DOI:

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The Spiritualization of Everyday Life: Way of Life and Existence in the Diaries of B. Shergin and Memoir Prose of S. Durylin

The article considers the spiritual experience of everyday life perception reflected and imprinted in the diaries and memoirs of the Russian writers Boris Shergin and Sergey Durylin. A Christian outlook and perception of the world endows the writers with a special organ of vision, which transforms the fabric of everyday life, making it a true being, rooted in eternity and in God.

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