Cite this article as:

Kabanova I. V. The Routine of a Shopaholic’s Life. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 73-75. DOI:

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The Routine of a Shopaholic’s Life

Sophie Kinsella’s «Confessions of a Shopaholic» (2000) is looked into as a genre model of «chic-lit», and the main character is analyzed as a psychological and sociological study of the phenomenon of shopo‑ holism.

  1. Кинселла С. Тайный мир шопоголика / пер. А. Корчагиной. М., 2010. С. 213.
  2. Там же. С. 280.
  3. Там же. С. 187.
  4. Там же.С. 281–282.
  5. Там же. С. 299.
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