Cite this article as:
Salkovskaya A. A. The Motive of Fear in A. Slapovsky’s Novel Encoded, or The First Eight Chapters. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 234-236. DOI:
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The Motive of Fear in A. Slapovsky’s Novel Encoded, or The First Eight Chapters
The article analyzes the motive of fear in Aleksey Slapovsky’s novel Encoded. This motive permeates the whole novel and essentially becomes the key one for the plot development. The struggle with the subconscious fears of the character and of the author is considered. This struggle results in a multiple re-writing of the selfsame story.
Key words:
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- Степанян К. Назову себя Цвайшпацирен? (Любовь, ирония и проза развитого постмодернизма) // Знамя. 1993. № 11. С. 184–194.
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