Cite this article as:
Bushuyeva L. A. The Model of the Situation ‘A Queer Act’ (in the Russian Language). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 3, pp. 253-257. DOI:
The Model of the Situation ‘A Queer Act’ (in the Russian Language)
The article presents the results of the frame analysis of the situations of such acts as ‘eccentricity’, ‘prank’, ‘folly’. The research is based on the idea according to which the conceptualization of acts is linked with the invariable frame, which is a structure built by the following elements: an aim, action, subject, object, valuation, result. The paper shows the names of the acts representing this invariable frame model of an act.
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