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Timashova O. V. Risk at War Front and in the Rear Areas. Drama by A. F. Pisemsky «Old-timer and New Recruit» (1854) in Its Contemporary Literary and Journalistic Context and in the Creative Biography of the Author. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 60-64. DOI:

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Risk at War Front and in the Rear Areas. Drama by A. F. Pisemsky «Old-timer and New Recruit» (1854) in Its Contemporary Literary and Journalistic Context and in the Creative Biography of the Author

The article contains a first-held comprehensive analysis of one of the less researched early dramas by A. F. Pisemsky «Old-timer and New Recruit» in the context of the development of the playwright’s aesthetics, juxtaposing it to its contemporary journal belles-lettres of the start of the Crimean campaign. Arguments are presented in favour of Pisemsky’s drama being a phenomenon that goes beyond the limits of drama belles-lettres by its aesthetic merits. It is proved that «Old-timer and New Recruit» has a special place in the early creative work by Pisemsky by the historic scale of the events described as well as by the artistic task of the playwright, aiming at showing good characters.


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