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Bitkinova V. V. Pushkin and Derzhavin Myth in A. Gorodnizky’s Poetic World (Motif of Lyre Transferring). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 106-110. DOI:

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Pushkin and Derzhavin Myth in A. Gorodnizky’s Poetic World (Motif of Lyre Transferring)

The article deals with the transformation of Pushkin and Derzhavin myth in two poems by A. M. Gorodnizky; an attempt is made to explain the author’s individual interpretation of the myth (controversial to that established in the mass cultural consciousness) by means of analyzing the autobiographical and autopsychological components of the works under investigation. It is also undertaken to enter those poems in the wider context of the bard’s reflections on the Russian history problems, presented in poetic and memoir texts.


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