Cite this article as:

Neznayeva O. S. Peculiarities of Precedent Names Functioning in Student Speech as Symbols of the Precedent Texts and Precedent Situations. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 153-157. DOI:

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Peculiarities of Precedent Names Functioning in Student Speech as Symbols of the Precedent Texts and Precedent Situations

The article considers instances of precedent phenomena in students’ speech. There is a special focus on the analysis of communicative situations in which the precedent name is a means of verbalization of the precedent text and precedent situation. It is attempted to elicit the mechanism of actualizing precedent knowledge stored in the cognitive database of the representatives of one linguistic and cultural society.

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