Cite this article as:
Altashina V. D. Metalepsis in the Auctorial Notes in Marquis de Sade’s Novels. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 427-431. DOI:
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821.133.1.09-31+929 Маркиз де Сад
Metalepsis in the Auctorial Notes in Marquis de Sade’s Novels
Metalepsis, the transition from one narrative level to another, is used by Marquis de Sade to expound his philosophical ideas, confirm the authenticity of facts, enter into dispute with Enlightenment’s ideology. The article analyzes the metaleptic function of the author’s notes in de Sade’s novels.
Key words:
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