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Kravtsova N. S. MAGIC REALISM AS A METHOD OF IMPLEMENTATION OF LATIN AMERICAN CONCEPTUAL METAPHORIC CODE. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 14-?.
Magical realism is the original direction of Latin American literature of the 20th century, which has a peculiar conceptual system. In the works of magical realism, in an organic combination of elements of reality with fantastic and mythological motifs, the "miraculous" reality of the continent is reflected. In an effort to identify and establish the identity of the culture of Latin America, writers consciously select and modify the folk-mythological Indian and Negro substrate. The consequence of a new way of depicting reality is the ambiguity, increased imagery and symbolism of the artistic language.
1 See: AF Kofman. The Latin American artistic image of the world. M., 1997. P. 16.
2 See: Zemskov V.B. Latin American literature as a model of culture // Latin America. 1991. № 7. P. 63.
3 Carpentier A. Barochnost and a miraculous reality // We searched and found ourselves. M., 1984. P. 109.
4 See: AF Kofman. The Latin American artistic image of the world. C. 17.
5 See: Yu.N. To the question of the Latin American model of the world // Latin America. 1993. № 9. With. 66.
6 Girin Yu.N. Decree. op. C. 68.
7 See: Zemskov V.B. Decree. op. C. 66.
8 Kofman AF Latin American artistic image of the world. C. 19.
9 Ermakova E.V. On Some Aspects of S. Rushdie's Novel "Children of Midnight" // Communicative and Socio-Cultural Problems of Romance-Germanic Linguistics: Materials of Interuniversity. sci. Conf. November 29, 2006. Saratov, 2007. S. 170.
10 Zemskov V.B. Decree. op. P. 67.
11 See: AF Kofman. The problem of "magical realism" in the Latin American novel / / Modern novel: the experience of research. M., 1990. P. 199.
12 See: Roh F. Nach-Expressionismus (Magisher Realismus): Probleme der neuesten Europaischen Maleri. Leipzig, 1925.
13 Uslar-Pietri A. Letras y hombres de Venezuela. Mexico, 1948. P. 161-162.
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