Cite this article as:
Golubeva T. M. Linguistic and Rhetorical Parameters of Delegitimizing Russia and Legitimizing the USA in the Speech of the U. S. Ambassadors to the UN. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 4, pp. 383-388. DOI:
Linguistic and Rhetorical Parameters of Delegitimizing Russia and Legitimizing the USA in the Speech of the U. S. Ambassadors to the UN
In the article the author conducts the research of linguistic means and rhetorical techniques applied in implementing the strategy of delegitimizing Russia and legitimizing the USA in the addresses of the U. S. ambassadors to the UN Samantha Power and David Pressman, dedicated to the topic of the 2015–2016 military conflict in Syria.
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