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Tyryshkina E. V. “Here out of the foam of my saliva purest…” A. Kruchenykh: Transformation of the myth about Venus Anadyomene. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3, pp. 308-312. DOI:

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“Here out of the foam of my saliva purest…” A. Kruchenykh: Transformation of the myth about Venus Anadyomene

The article examines the transformation and functioning of the myth of Venus Anadyomene in the early lyrics by A. Kruchenykh in the context of the main trends of the futurism aesthetics and literary/painting studies on Venus-Aphrodite iconography of 1910-1925. The myth remains at the level of the plot basis as a relic; however, there is a shift of emphasis from the female ideal of beauty and cultural symbol to the male figure, usurping the power of creation.

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