Cite this article as:
Belogrivtseva N. I. FLOBERER AND TURGENEV - LITERARY TEACHERS OF MOCASSAN. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 54-?.
The article examines the nature of the influence of creativity Flaubert and Turgenev on subjects, subjects, the nature of the psychologism of novels and short stories by Maupassant in the context of the views of all three writers on the contemporary novel.
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2 Lippman W. Natur des Vorurteils. Bonn, 1992. P. 276.
3 Keller G. Das Problem des Fremdverstehens. Opladen, 1996. P. 117.
4 Common European competencies in foreign language skills: study, training, assessment / Moscow. state. linguistic university. M., 1997.
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