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Shelenok M. A. Fairy-tale and Fantastic Vaudeville by E. Schwarts Adventures of Hohenstaufen: Genre Poetics. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 83-?. DOI:

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Fairy-tale and Fantastic Vaudeville by E. Schwarts Adventures of Hohenstaufen: Genre Poetics

The article analyzes an early play by Evgeny Schwarts Adventures of Hohenstaufen. The text poetics features are distinguished on the levels of the action development, character images, language humor. The genre dominating idea is identified. The author reveals how the vaudeville, the fairy-tale, and fantastic, and the satiric elements in the text interact. In the focus of the author’s attention is the motive of a ‘usual’ miracle/magic reflecting the aesthetic principle of the playwright.


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