Cite this article as:
Treshyova E. G. Associative Field of the Event Name. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 3, pp. 20-24.
Associative Field of the Event Name
The article deals with the analysis of associative fields formed by stimuli with event meaning, it describes the procedure of marking out the structural slots, typical of stimuli which name events.
1 See: Karaulov N., Cherkasova G. A., Ufimtseva N. In. Sorokin Yu. A., Yaroshinskaya V. N. Russian associative dictionary. Volume I. From stimulus to reaction. Astrel, 2002.
2 See: Katsnelson, S. D. Typology of language and speech thinking. L., 1972; Language and the world of man. M., 1999; Shabes V. Ya. Event and text. M., 1989.
3 See: Shabes V. Ya. Decree. Op.
4 Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 4-e Izd., DOP. M., 1999.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 the order of slots consideration is chosen arbitrarily and does not depend on the degree of slot fullness with reactions, nor on how typical it is for stimuli with event semantics.
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