
Cognitive and Linguistic Characteristics of Naming a Person by a Perceptive Action

Based on the material of the analysis of how the units naming persons by perceptive actions function, the article offers the interpretation of some peculiarities inherent to this group of words, as well as to the whole category of person naming which is distinguished, as compared to other types of naming, by linguistic and cognitive principles of origin and development.

Chat Interview as a secondary speech Genre

In modern Internet communication new speech genres are born. They are secondary in relation to the traditional forms, which emerged in real communication. Chat interview is a secondary genre, it is a type of a celebrity interview, mediated by the electronic communication medium. There are differences and similarities between these two genres. The differences are related to the mass nature of the audience of the «interviewers», to the nonprofessional character of their questions, to the lack of the chat interview plan, as well as to the explicit evaluative discourse character.

Means of Visual Actualization as a Graphosemantic Variety of Language Game in the Creolized Texts of Advertising Communication

The article is dedicated to the study of visual actualization as a graphosemantic variety of the language game, represented by means of pictographic and precedent visualization. Cognitive mechanism of perception of multilevel texts in advertising communication is analyzed with the help of the description of how the designated means of visual actualization are implemented.

The Tatistics of Softening the Categoricity of the Statement (on the Material of the Author’s Personal Notes of Conversational Speech)

The article describes certain tactics and means used to soften the categoricity of the statement, which include the tactics of preventing the addressee’s negative reaction, the tactics of objection disguised as consent, the tactics of authorizing constructions, the tactics of employing non-categorical estimation and others.

Subjective Aspects of Art Discourse Perception

In this article the communicative and pragmatic approach to art discourse is realized, which assumes that the discourse is obligatorily aimed at an addressee / recipient, without which discourse analysis would be considered incomplete and unaccomplished.

Discourse Specifics of the New Testament Parable Genre (on the Material of the Analysis of the Prodigal Son Parable)

The article is dedicated to the research of the genre specifics of religious Christian discourse and the peculiarities of discourse functioning of such secondary religious genre as a New Testament parable. The author singles out linguo-cognitive components of the Prodigal Son parable in Orthodox and Protestant discourses.

Arabic Lexis in the Maghrebian French, Specifics of Adaptation

The article is dedicated to the analysis of Arabic lexis adopted by the Maghrebian French. Grammar and phonetic peculiarities are characterized, reasons of pronunciation variability are determined, and it is attempted to describe semantic transformations of the Arabisms under research in the French language.

Slavic Paganism as a Source of Russian and Polish Idiomatic Systems Formation

The article deals with the content of Russian and Polish idiomatic systems from the point of view of the semantic field «Slavic paganism» elements being used in them. The main thematic groups included in the idiomatic systems are singled out. Similarities and differences in the idiomatization of Slavic sacral ideas in Russian and Polish phraseological units have been identified.

The Role of the Thematic Group «Hats» in the Formation of Russian Idiomaic System

The article analyzes the degree of how productively the headwear nominations are used in Russian idiomatic system. The main principles of motivation of semantics of phraseological units by meanings of lexemes of this type have been identified.

Russian Metaphor in Diachrony: Major Trends in the Development of Transfers in the Object Sphere

In the article major tendencies in the development of the Russian object metaphorical subsystem are elicited; semantic and cognitive description of the main metaphoric models in diachrony is presented.
