Cite this article as:

Kosinets S. B. DERIVATIVE OPPORTUNITIES OF THE WORD-FORMING METAPHOR. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 8-?.

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0).


The essence of the concept "word-forming metaphor" is disclosed in the article, the semantic potential of derivatives with metaphorical motivation is explored, the causes of derivational activity or inactivity of word-forming metaphors are revealed.


1 See: V. Lopatin. Metaphorical motivation in
Russian word formation // Actual problems
Russian word formation. Tashkent, 1975.
2 See: S.Kozinets. The word-forming metaphor and
adjacent to it phenomena // Russian language at school. 2007.
№ 2.
3 See this in more detail: Kozinets SB Wordform-
metaphor: the intersection of lexical and word-
Brazovatelnoy systems // Philological sciences. 2007.
№ 2.
4 See: I. Shirshov. Types of word-building mo-
tivirovannosti // Philological sciences. 1995. № 1;
Ulukhanov IS On the degrees of the word-formation motive
words, "Vopr. linguistics. 1992. № 5.
5 See: Ermakova, O., Zemskaya, E.A. To clarify the relationship
of derivational production // Russian
Linguistics.1991. Vol. 15.

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